Over the last three decades Team Grand Veneur has matched hundreds of horses with their riders from every continent for every level. From American hunters and equitation to Olympic and Nations Cup horses, we bring a wealth of experience in analyzing each horse for their strengths and being able to place them where they will fit best. Traditionally we have searched for horses in order to select a small talented group specific for each of our clients.
A New Approach…
With the increased global pressure of reduced travel we realize that going forwards our commitment to matching horses and riders may not be as simple or accessible as it has been in the past. Continuing to provide our service in the best way possible to our existing and future clientele is very important to us. The goal of our team is to organize private sales in which horses will be presented for sale, whether or not belonging to the Stables of Grand Veneur. These horses will have to meet a rigorous criteria, the same standards we would require if we were buying the horse ourselves. The role of Team Grand Veneur through Trust Private Sales remains identical to that which we have been endorsing for over 30 years with passion; to help our clients with calm confidence in the buying and selling of jumping horses.
The Values…
The most important thing when we select horses is knowing their story. When we look for horses first we select the athletic and psychological qualities that we need for their intended purpose but after this we complete an inquiry into each horse for the last 2-3years. We check competition records, we speak with previous riders, owners and sometimes breeders and we view videos. We work to build an entire picture of the horse that other sellers rarely take the time to do. This way we know at what stage of its career a horse is at and we can accurately share that with our clients.
Our second objective of Trust Private Sales is privacy. We want our clients to be confident that the price of a horse remains confidential for future business. This system makes it interesting for all owners to invest whether they are amateur or professional.